
Learn why I launched my first shops on Etsy and what motivates me to help others start their e-commerce businesses.

I'm Kate Robb!

After graduating college with a history degree, I tried out multiple career paths but always felt called toward more creative work. After researching every side hustle in the book, I decided to launch an Etsy shop selling print on demand apparel.

Within a year, I scaled that business beyond the 6-figure revenue mark and went full time selling print on demand and digital products on Etsy. 

I teach my clients how to create passive income on Etsy. Even if you've never launched a business in the past, I'm here to make entrepreneurship approachable with straight forward, implementable strategies.

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My Story

Like many others, I was always fascinated by the idea of entrepreneurship but had convinced myself that "people like me" didn't actually start businesses. 

I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and went to a small liberal arts college. I didn't have parents who were business owners or a trust fund to invest into a new business venture. For far too long, I allowed limiting beliefs around what it takes to start a business hold me back.

After reading one too many books on financial freedom, I made the scary decision to go for it and spent over a year building passive income streams for myself until I reached a point where I could transition to full time self employment. 

My goal is to mentor my clients through creating passive income streams for themselves on Etsy using straightforward, easy-to-follow teaching methods and strategies. 

Why I Do It

As a former educator, my heart has always been in helping others.

After guiding some of my friends launch their first Etsy shops using the exact strategies I developed for my own stores, I realized how much joy I found in seeing them hit milestones in their own businesses.

I launched my coaching business to help make entrepreneurship accessible to all and seek to teach normal people how to start profitable online businesses with minimal upfront investment. 


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